Online resources of the Scottish Teachers and Students of Economics Conferences.

Student Teacher Event 2023

We are delighted to launch the online resource version of the Scottish Teachers and Students of Economics Conference 2023.

In this set of videos and downloadable online resources, we cover some very important topics which will not only be of interest to students of Economics and their teachers but also to students of other subjects, such as Modern Studies, and the wider public.

We very much hope you find these resources useful and that they will engender some very interesting discussions in class. Please get in touch if you have any questions or any difficulties downloading the material.

Table of Contents

Section 1: Fair Work and Productivity


Patricia Findlay, Professor at University of Strathclyde and Director of the Scottish Centre for Employment Research


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Online Resources

Study Guide Questions

  1. What are the dimensions of Fair Work and what do they mean in practice?
  2. How do you define productivity?
  3. Is there a problem with productivity in Scotland? In the UK?
  4. How might Fair Work help workers to be more innovative and creative?
  5. Is there a link between well-being and productivity? How is it good for individuals? How is it good for employers? How is it good for the economy? How is it good for society?

Study Guide Questions

  1. Who is Adam Smith and what is he famous for?
  2. Adam Smith introduced the concept of the division of labour in "The Wealth of Nations." Explain how having people specialise in different jobs can help make work faster and better.
  3. How do we see Adam Smith's ideas in action today? Can you think of ways the world works differently from what he suggested?

View Our Student Teacher Event 2022